Hi Everyone, 

I’m Harry Jameson, Personal Trainer and Wellbeing Expert.

Together with the 1851 Trust and the INEOS Go Humans Academy, I’m going to challenge you to test your mind and body.

Stress is something we all experience, especially when you have exams and revision on your plate.

One thing that’s really important in managing stress is breath work.

So I’m going to demonstrate my favourite stress-busting technique, which is BOX BREATHING.

Breathing carries fresh oxygen around the body, which keeps us alert and our organs functioning.

However, many of us aren't utilising our whole lung capacity.

When we’re stressed, we tend to shallow breathe.

  • The technique helps promote parasympathetic nervous system activity 
  • Manage anxiety in the day 
  • Promote restful sleep at night 
  • Great for pre-performance

Breathing exercises can help alleviate anxiety, nerves, or simply help you to relax or fall asleep more easily.

Now, I want you to have a go. What do you think will happen to your heart rate before and after BOX BREATHING?

It will be interesting to see if the changes you observe support your hypothesis.

And don’t forget you can use the BOX BREATHING technique whenever and wherever you feel like it.