Hi Everyone, 

I’m Harry Jameson - Personal Trainer and Wellness Specialist.

I’m working with INEOS and the Go Humans Academy to help you better handle anything life throws at you. 

We’re encouraging everyone to get involved in a series of challenges and I’ve got the final one for you here.

This is called BOX BREATHING.

Breathing is so important - and many of us don’t even notice that we aren’t using our breath properly.

This kind of mindful tool is most useful in managing stress levels and maintaining mental focus, and can lead to positive emotions - while alleviating stress and depression. 

A key to a well-rounded wellness routine is mindfulness - which can help improve sleep and energy levels.

BOX BREATHING is a meditative exercise and it’s all about controlling your breathing. 

And the best thing about it, is that you can do it any time of day, wherever you are. And it’s for all ages from 14 up.


See, I feel better already just from doing that.  

This is a really simple exercise, and it teaches us to stop for a minute and take notice of our breathing, while helping to lower the heart rate and calm the mind.

So, try it for yourself now – you WILL feel better for it. 

Follow me and INEOS on Instagram for more tips and updates - and the chance to win great prizes.