Bespoke Black Book: INEOS Sanitiser Dispenser review

Product Reviews 7 Mins Read
a photo of a large and a small ineos hygienics hand sanitiser dispenser

Highlighted by the Bespoke Black Book, INEOS Hygienics has been defined as a brand that produces hospital grade products that guarantee 99.9% effectiveness in killing viruses - we are trusted by doctors for all your sanitising solutions. A relevant but crucial statement in the current and future events of health affairs, concerning both public health and your personal well-being.

The focus of the review details an in-depth read of our “super stylish”, Swiss-engineered touchless hand sanitiser that provides an “easy option to the war on Covid-19 and other bacteria” that even boasts sophistication when placed in the home.  

Praised for the ease of its assembly through straightforward illustrated instructions, Yemi Edwards (contributor for Bespoke Black Book) has demonstrated that no technical expertise is required to set-up the device for those looking to protect their home from any germs. 

Positioned at the front door, not only has the dispenser been useful for Edward’s parcel collections, but as a mother with children who run around from school, sporting activities, and social outings, Edwards found the touchless feature, “ideal because they are more inclined to use the device than to run up the stairs to wash their hands on demand” 

Edwards further adds, “I am certainly impressed by this device as a busy mum and can see its multiple benefits in a shared environment like an office.

Read Bespoke Black Book: INEOS Sanitiser Dispenser for even more information on what they have to say about our product. 

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The Bespoke Black Book is an independent and unbiased online luxury lifestyle publication, that has an international team of expert contributors providing you with high-quality content and hand-picked personal recommendations. Content topics ranging as wide as food, travel, culture, beauty to technology. To quote their about us section, “for us luxury is about the experience, not the price tag.